Dental Implants in Glasgow
At Precision Dentistry we focus on excellence in aesthetic dentistry to give you the best smile you could possibly have. I have over 20 years training in implant dentistry and I’m delighted to bring you the very best implant service in Glasgow. Dental implants are one of dentistry’s most successful procedures and offer the closest solution to a real tooth that you can get. We are dedicated to giving our patients a beautiful smile.
Take a look at the picture below. One of these teeth is actually a porcelain crown supported by a dental implant. Can you spot which one it is? Even if you look at the picture really closely, it is almost impossible to tell where the implant is. This is exactly the type of result the Precision Dentistry team strive to achieve every day. We want you to be as proud of your smile as we are.



What are dental Implants?
A Dental implant is an artificial replacement tooth root, usually made from Titanium. They fit directly into your jawbone and hold crowns or replacement teeth in place. A single dental implant can support one, or several adjacent replacement teeth, so you won’t necessarily have to have one implant per replacement tooth. The replacement tooth root has an internal screw thread, which allows a variety of tooth components to be fitted.
As you can see in the diagram below, a tooth is held securely in the jawbone by its root, which can often be longer than the visible part of the tooth.
If a tooth has to be extracted for any reason then the root is lost along with the visible part of the tooth.

Your Glasgow Dental Implant Specialist
I am Dr Rahman, a renowned dental Implant Dentist in Glasgow. I have travelled all over the world to train with the best implant specialists to hone my skills and deliver results that wow.
I am dedicated to teaching other dentists the fine art of Implant Dentistry and I currently mentor three practitioners. I publish many of my cases in dental journals, and I lecture at the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. I am passionate about the quality of every single one of my dental treatments and the results.
I am immensely proud of the results I achieve and I know you’ll be absolutely delighted with my dental work. Take a look at our Patient Gallery to see some of our exceptional results.