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Glasgow Anterior Masterclass 30 August – 1 September


London Anterior Masterclass 13 – 15 December 2024


London Posterior Masterclass 29 November – 01 December 2024


Glasgow Anterior Masterclass 08-10th November 2024


Glasgow Posterior Masterclass 25 – 27 October 2024


London Anterior Masterclass 04 – 06 October 2024

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Anil Shrestha

Attiq Rahman is clearly a passionate and gifted operator of international calibre.  The “Precision Prep Course” on contemporary tooth preparation techniques is one of the few independent postgraduate courses which I regard as being very highly recommended for all experienced dentists, from general dental practitioners to specialists and consultants.  This course is exceptional for his understanding and application of fundamental biological principles, contemporary operative and materials concepts, and the remarkable ability of all the delegates to significantly elevate their skill sets over the two days of intensive hands on practical work.

Anil Shrestha

Clinical Director / Registered Specialist in Prosthodontics
Dr Naveed Jamil

This course did everything it promised! I now know what to do, with what material and in what situation.

It has made an immediate impact on my dentistry giving me the techniques, ideas and the confidence to use them the very next day.Attiq’s tell-show-do technique works superbly with plenty of hands-on practice.

This is a course that will get you bang up to date with all aspects of posterior preparations no matter when you qualified. Inspiring and exciting stuff!

Dr Naveed Jamil

Dr Charles Brandon

This was an absolutely fantastic course with an extremely well structured combination of clinical science and applied practical preparations of teeth. I was able to significantly refine my techniques and even better understand the theoretical side of The materials we use.I was genuinely impressed with the quality of teaching and thought the course was extremely well structured and delivered. I cannot wait to attend the next session on anterior preparations this summer.

Dr Charles Brandon

Dr. Zahra Javed

I attended the Posterior Precision Prep course in November 2018 and I would recommend this to ALL of my colleagues. Having done numerous post graduate courses and being a bit of a CPD & course junkie, I can honestly say that this course has been the best money I’ve spent on dental training. If you want to be able to carry out ethical, conservative, adhesive dentistry for your patients I thoroughly recommend Attiq’s course. The course fee was very quickly recovered because I was able to go into practice the very next day and start implementing everything I had learned. I would do it again in a heartbeat and am actually booking back on to do the anterior version!

Dr. Zahra Javed

BDS (Lond)